Topic Suggestions For Writing An Opinion Essay About The Country Lifestyle
An essay that has your opinion will expect a lot from you. This requires not only your impression about something, but also that you back it up with some evidence. If you think this is a rant or a bit of gossip, you are badly mistaken. In fact, if you do not provide evidence in your opinion there’s a good chance you will get a lower grade. Country lifestyle has been a topic of discussion since the days of Hesiod. Some really like it and others cannot stand it. Your teacher may ask you to write an opinion essay about country lifestyle, and you would appreciate a little guidance. Here are some ideas for a good topic.
- Life in the country is beautiful.
- Neighbors in the country care more about each other.
- Food taste better when you live in a rural area.
- People in the country and very fixed opinions about everything.
- It is easier to get about in the country.
- Houses are more durable in the country.
- Transportation country is not as bad as you think.
- A country school system has its benefits.
- The cost of living is nowhere near as high as the city.
- You feel closer to God when you live in the country.
- Country life be very boring.
- Family is very important when you live in the country.
- Local government plays a role in everyday life.
- Everything is more relaxed in the country.
- You need to deal with loneliness in the country.
You are going to be a little bit subject in your essay at this is to be expected. Nevertheless, what your opinion and/or conclusions are going to be must have basis in facts. You’ll have to do some research on the topic so you can write with authority.
There is no question a country lifestyle is not the same as living in the city. It does not make it good or bad; just different. You can use your paper to point out those qualities which make the country life stand out. On the other hand, you can exhibit the problems which make a person want to move elsewhere. What matters is your ability to display an opinion which is less emotional, and more factual. The prior research you do will help immensely in writing this essay. Make certain you have some solid evidence on which to support your opinion and the conclusions you have determined.