24 Winning Argumentative Synthesis Essay Topics To Choose From

Students are often left between a rock and a hard place when it comes to finding a good topic for a term paper and this is usually attributed to the fact that, the bulk of learning is always emphasized on writing rather than creating topics for themselves. This is a gap which many enterprising writers have since tapped into by establishing online platforms where students can always go and locate a topic of their liking. The question is, are you well-informed on the subject? There is always the tendency to pick a topic you don’t need and this is a discovery which most students always make when they are almost done with their writing. Writing a good essay entails a lot. It is not just about putting things arbitrarily on paper but rather following through a definitive format with the aim of producing a great essay at the end of the day. Because the topic is the head start, how you will end your paper largely depends on it. On this premise, a look into some of the best topics that have ever been written on is worth your consideration.

  • - Well, where can you always go looking for great essay topics? Is it on the web or you have got to ask your tutor for some ideas? The internet has become a reliable platform for topic search and in this post; we take a look at some of the best and perhaps award winning argumentative synthesis topics to start you off with your writing.
  • - The issue of abortion has continued to elicit mixed reactions from different quarters worldwide and this makes it one of the biggest topics in recent times. On this premise, a good argumentative expository essay on the same can be something like, should abortion be legalized unconditionally?
  • - There is an increasing problem with regard to child radicalization and especially in worn torn nations. A good topic on this area can be something like, is the U.S foreign policy a recipe for increasing cases of extremist activities?
  • - Human trafficking is lately a serious concern. Can the governments in countries from which immigrants come be blamed for it?
  • - Is death penalty a misinterpretation of the law? Discuss your points for pro and con. This is another good topic worth writing on.
  • - Is war to blame for the increasing cases of girl-child school dropout cases? Discuss